Thursday, June 25, 2020

Crab and Whale Book Review

I had so much fun reading this book. I brought my children in on it, which I’ll let you see what children say about these books and games.

In this simple story, we see the traditional plot of the damsel in distress turned on its head. What happens when your hero is a crab? Can they help in any other way? What if all you need to do is be patient and then you will be free? For whale and for me that is where I find myself most of the time.

Crab is the knight who can’t ‘save the day’. Which he acknowledges and turns to help in a different way. Crab knows how to stay calm, and being trapped is very scary, so Crab changes all of his plans to help Whale go through this ordeal.

Crab offers advice and talks soothingly to Whale. When the tide starts to come in and Whale starts to get excited it is Crab who makes sure that Whale does not get in more trouble, but gets free.
“You know what makes me feel better?” said ‘Crab
“Blowing out a deep breath” 

This is a great book for little kids. A great way to show children that you don’t have to be the biggest or best to solve the problem. You don’t even need all the answers. Sometimes answers come by themselves and we just have to wait for them, with a friend nearby teaching us how to breathe.

My children had different parts that they liked.
- I liked the picture of the Whale
- I liked the way Crab helping Whale
- I saw that they were doing yoga.  (We do breathing in yoga)

My middle  child
- I liked the 1st picture because it is a beautiful sunny day and Crab is happy
- I liked Whale blowing Crab up and he felt ticklish
- I liked the stars because it is good to look at stars and you get stronger when you go to sleep.

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