Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Going Up!

I submitted my application for Iyengar Assessment. This has been a goal of mine since I understood what Iyengar Yoga means. I started teaching in 2013, when I was basically a baby in yoga. I made mistakes, taught from what little knowledge I could gleam from my Iyengar books, and my teachers, and knew that I needed more.

I set a goal to become a certified Iyengar Teacher by 2017. In the Iyengar system you have to be practicing only the Iyengar method for at least 3 years, and committed to teaching only the Iyengar method. You must either:
  a. graduate from a certified 2-3 year Iyengar Teacher Training program, or have accumulated
  b. have 90 hours of teacher education from a Certified Iyengar Teacher and 90 hours of mentor ship with a Certified Iyengar Teacher
  c. 180 hours of mentor ship with a Certified Iyengar mentor.

mentoring includes:
- attending classes
- observing classes
- assisting classes
- supervised teaching
- email and phone contact
- supervised practice
- apprenticeship

I chose a 2 year teacher training program, which turned into 3 years between surgery and a baby.  After having my baby I was expecting to need a full year of recovery to get my body ready for assessment, but my body surprised me and jumped back. It said "I am ready" and I got permission from my Senior Teacher, Carolyn Belko, to go up for assessment this year.

I have submitted my application and am just waiting to hear if I will be assess in September or November, in LA or Palm Desert. I am excited and can't wait.

My assessment will take place over 2 days. I will be assessed on Yoga Philosophy, Pranayama, my own Yoga Asana practice, and Teaching. Senior Teachers from around the US will make up the assessment board and they will choose if I get to become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher.

While I wait for that day, I get to count down the days to show my peers and teachers what I mom of 3, who has been through 2 surgeries can do, and how I have benefited from the method of Iyengar Yoga. Bring it on!