Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I get it- dedicated to George Floyd

This will be controversial for some. But I have to take a stand. 

I stand with the protesters. They are not the looters or the rioters, I stand with the protester and their cause. If you want to talk to me about why please call/ message/ email me. I would love to talk to you about this. 

But in thinking about what can I do for this cause... I realized I can write. 

After all this time I finally get it

I’m sorry it took so long to see

I thought I was helping 

I thought I was a friend

I thought I was on the right

But I found I was wrong. 

I’ll do what I can 

I’ll listen to your cries

I’ll help where I’m able

I’ll follow your lead. 

I’m sorry for all the pain you’ve have

I’ll be here now to be your ally at last. 

I get it

The Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis: What We Know So Far ...

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