Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Edits- Little Yogi

It is always interesting to see how my poems progress over time. You usually see my very first edition of my poems before I start really working on them. Sometimes they sit for a day, and other they sit for months. This one, that I wrote back in September of 2019 titled "Little Yogi" has been one I have been holding off to do. Mostly because I do not feel qualified to edit this piece.

Here is the original, and here is the newest edits. This will go through many more months of edits before I send it to other authors for their critiques and finally someone to publish it. But I just really wanted to share it with you.

A mountain is never changing ever strong and tall
I stand and imagine myself growing taller than my wall

Then I move to be a triangle, one that I create
Naturally born from mother earth upon this I meditate

I jump to be all the Warriors one, two and three. 
I am able to conquer all hard things that come to me. 

As a playful dog I come to lift my hips up high
Relax my head and awaken my soul once again to try...

I become a downward tree by coming up to a handstand. 
Now I feel invincible upon all the land.  

Next balance like a boat on the water, legs in the air
Don’t overturn my little boat keep afloat stay up there.

Sit up straight, legs stretched out my toes to see
Take big breaths in and out free to breathe free to be. 

I bend my knees and bind my feet the outsides touch the ground
As a butterfly lives its life without making a sound.

Upside down again I go, this time a candle I become
Trying to calm the flickering flame my legs won’t succumb

Lastly I lie down thinking upon every single pose
Remembering as I breathe softly through my nose. 

Now I step off my mat different than before 
my practice changed me from when I touched this floor

I hope you enjoy my poetry and if you know of places I can send submissions let me know, I would love a leg up in the publishing world.

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